Trying to be more efficient with your time? There’s an app for that!

9495501_SIf you’re like most business people, you’re trying to find ways to be more efficient with your time. The goods news? There’s an app for that! Here’s a roundup of some of the most popular productivity tools and what they can do for you:

Foster collaboration between in-office and remote workers. Managing remote workers and teams can be tricky. Google Hangout and similar online video conferencing tools can help teams who aren’t in the same physical location operate more cohesively and be more productive. These tools also help employers meet the demands of workers who want the flexibility of working at home at least part of the time.

Prioritize to-do lists and get more done each day. Google Calendar has helped many people ditch paper calendars and better organize their days, while digital tools such as Wunderlist and Evernote provide a way to prioritize business and personal responsibilities and get more done.

Manage projects more effectively. Platforms such as Taskworld help you identify projects, assign them to employees, set deadlines and track progress and completion.

Track how you (or your employees) spend their day. Digital technology has created plenty of potential distractions. Wondering how much time your employees spend on Facebook each workday? Curious about how much time you spend on the Internet each day and if it’s time well spent? Rescue Time tracks computer usage and allows you to see how much time you or anyone in your office spends on certain websites.

For more productivity apps, go to this link.